Saturday, April 23, 2011

Job Opening: Dog Cop

This is an exciting, fulfilling position for the right person. Applicants must love to stick their nose in other peoples' business in the following ways: If an owner doesn't pick up his dog's poop, rush over and point this etiquette breach to him in no uncertain terms. If a pickup is spotted with a dog in the back, follow it to the ends of the earth, if need be and point out the dangers as well as illegality of this. Be prepared to eat crow after discovering the dog was safely restrained, after all. If an owner is correcting (the new word for disciplining) her dog in a way that you deem faulty,  be willing to approach and demonstrate the right way (i.e., your way). You must be willing to offer unsolicited advice on feeding, potty training, medical issues and any other tidbits of wisdom to each dog owner encountered.  They may appear annoyed, but they will appreciate your insight later down the road.

As one who has recently  retired from this career, I must warn that it can be frustrating at times, especially when recalcitrant dog owners refuse to respond to completely reasonable demands.  With the aid of a self-help group designed to help cure controlling personalities, I have now stepped into a delightfully stress-free world.  Repeating that old adage, "It's none of my business," many times a day, I am continually amazed at how well people do even without my input.  No longer exhausted from fixing that which is not broken or telling others what to do,  I have  more hours a day to enjoy my little hotel guests.
This is an unusually popular job, so apply now. Or not. Since I don't tell people what to do anymore.

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