Saturday, September 17, 2011

When Forever Isn't

A frequent hotel guest ended up in the shelter a few weeks ago. It’s easy to judge someone who gets rid of his or her pet until you know the whole story. Chance found his Forever Family a few years ago with a young couple and their children. But the couple divorced, the house was sold and a single, working mother of three who lived in a small apartment could not give Chance the kind of care he needed. Fortunately, we bartered services so she did not have to pay for his visits here.

chance ball field 8-10

The owner tried to make it work anyhow, since she and her children loved Chance. I watched how she agonized, feared for Chance, hated herself. Eventually Chance must have sensed something because he began to act out; a nip here and growl there. His habit of marking indoors grew worse. It was time.

Chance now waits at the Santa Cruz Animal Shelter for his next family. Let's hope this one will be forever.

 chance biggs

Chance now waits at the Santa Cruz Animal Shelter for his next family. Let's hope this one will be forever.

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