Friday, July 27, 2012

Dog O' the Day -- Lilly

This little girl just barely squeaked under our age cut-off. At nine months old, Lilly had the potential to be your basic puppy hurricane. But other than one slightly chewed cellphone-charger cord, she has kept the teething to stuffed toys (and a few of her playmates). This spaniel has perfected two specialties: melting hearts with those soulful eyes and keeping the other dogs occupied. Puppies play. A lot. If awake, she tortures other Little Pup Lodge guests to wrestle, chase or play tug-of-war with her and her very bedraggled squirrel. But, only when she’s awake and fortunately, puppies also sleep a lot.

 lilly 2 Little Lilly.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hump Day

The Bark (best dog magazine ever), recently featured a piece on why dogs hump each other (and their stuffed toys and your leg). Having read all four pages, I discovered the answer: no one knows. Maybe it’s to show dominance, but then again maybe it’s just play. Maybe they are over-stimulated; maybe it’s a way to reduce stress. Like most people, I am deeply dissatisfied with any informative article that ends with a shrug of the shoulders. But, aren’t all our theories about dog behavior just guesswork?

 dog love doll It's true; dogs now have their very own blow-up dolls (bachelor party not included)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Far East of Eden

Now that China has moved from communism to capitalism, perhaps we can all agree they won, we lost, in the world-domination sweepstakes. Back in the McCarthy era, we all feared this day, but expected it to come in the form of Soviets and Chinese swarming our shores and killing us all in our sleep. Instead, we are left to worry about tainted dog food and treats.

 sick dog

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Law & Odor

People often think the concierge of Little Pup Lodge just sits around all day watching tv with her guests. So, I thought I’d try it (after I laundered, poop-scooped, watered the garden, folded clothes, washed dishes and romped with the gang at the park). Who knew Law & Order could be so addictive? In my world, only a pathetic slug would sit in front of the boob tube when it is still light outside. Daytime is about work! Productivity! Frenetic activity!

 vincent Dogs love Bobby Goren!