Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dog O' the Day – Veerapam

Do this business long enough and Little Pup Lodge guests that we have grown to love will eventually die. One of our favorites passed away last week. Veerapam (which means “Brave Soul” in Sanskrit) was condemned to a short, miserable life if it weren’t for a lovely couple who rescued him in Calcutta, India. Bob and Sheela witnessed neighborhood children attempting to beat the starved and bedraggled young dog to death so they swooped in. Groomed and brought back to health, Veerapam appeared to be a purebred Lhasa Apso. Although Indians rarely kept dogs as pets back in 1994, monks who fled Tibet’s communist takeover sometimes brought theirs with them. The Lhasa Apsos originated in Tibet, where they were bred as watchdogs and companions for monasteries and temples.

 veerapam stroller Veerapam, enjoying his beach strolls up until the end.

For the next 18 years, Veerapam lived the life he deserved, beloved and protected from harm. He and his family moved Santa Cruz in 2005 and by the time I met them, Veerapam had reached his twilight years. Bob and Sheila fought to keep their dog comfortable as more health problems cropped up in the last year. They finally lost the battle as the time came to mercifully release Veerapam from his worn out body.
veerapams bed  A memorial altar placed on Veerapam's bed.
According to Sheela, their brave soul is now with Kali (Hindu goddess of creation and destruction) and in peace. He will be missed.

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