Friday, February 8, 2013

Dog o' the Week–Milo

We walk through white, wispy clouds of stuffing and study myriad holes chewed into each of the four doggie beds that lay about Little Pup Lodge. The Master of Disaster is back.
milo bedmilo tearing up bed

Dachshunds like Milo­–you can’t get mad at them no matter what they do. Even at their worst behavior, doxies are funny and adorable. Is it their personality? Their pointy noses? Long bodies anchored so close to the ground? I haven’t figured it out yet and probably never will.

Milo is still a kid, relatively speaking, not quite two years old. He has all the weenie-dog characteristics nailed: cocooning inside a blanket, or sliding out the door like a slippery fish just because he can.

We await the Master of Disaster’s return.

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