Sunday, July 24, 2011

Love is Blind, But it Ain't Cheap

When I took Tex home from the shelter about four months ago, I tried to convince myself I did not just adopt seven adorable pounds of future credit card debt. Denial being what it is, I told myself that I would not pay vet bills to prolong the blind, arthritic, heart-diseased Chihuahua’s life. Given that he was about 15 years old, I just wanted to give him a couple more good months before it was time to trot off this mortal coil.

tex 4-9-11

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Pumpkin, Little Pup Lodge’s guest here on scholarship (a foster), shows no sign of graduating to her Forever Family anytime soon. Yes, she’s rather mature and yes, she has the mildest tad of a seizure disorder, but c’mon!   She’s freakin’ adorable and quite mellow, that latter quality sometimes in short supply for the Chihuahua breed.

pumpkin outfit 4

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Play (Braille) Ball

Molly first visited about a year ago. A sweet and gentle poodle, she had a couple of problems; a tad of incontinence and failing eyesight. She loved to retrieve tennis balls though she had a hard time figuring out where we threw them.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Shock and Awe

Having run the gamut of dog repellents from citronella spray to Tasers, I finally found one I think I trust. It’s safe, harmless and effective: a stun gun.

Perhaps I worry more than most people about the safety of my dogs, but there is good reason. The hotel guests are tiny little things and much too vulnerable for me to relax and let down my guard. As a result, our morning beach walks just stoke my stress level rather than soothe my nerves.