Sunday, July 24, 2011

Love is Blind, But it Ain't Cheap

When I took Tex home from the shelter about four months ago, I tried to convince myself I did not just adopt seven adorable pounds of future credit card debt. Denial being what it is, I told myself that I would not pay vet bills to prolong the blind, arthritic, heart-diseased Chihuahua’s life. Given that he was about 15 years old, I just wanted to give him a couple more good months before it was time to trot off this mortal coil.

tex 4-9-11

Since Tex began to thrive with lots of love, quality kibble and many interesting hotel guests to hump, he decided to take death off his agenda.  He did not, however, dispense with other health problems. Tex’s right eye begin to give him trouble so we went to his vet ($107), who sent Tex to an animal ophthalmologist ($232), who put him on a medication regimen that was unsuccessful. Tex then had a keratectomy ($369) that got infected, requiring another visit to the eye doctor and more meds ($235). If this doesn’t work, he may need to have his eye removed ($1335).
tex 2 4-11

tex 3 4-11
I love Tex, but I’m starting to consider if that love comes with a price tag. For my beloved Oliver, there is no price tag. Though I would not prolong his life if he was in pain, I would move heaven and earth to fix whatever ailed him. To even question making that commitment to any of my other animal companions makes me feel like a much smaller person than I want to be. Let's hope this treatment works.

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