Friday, August 5, 2011

Dress for Success

I hit my sartorial zenith around the time ripped sweatshirts and leggings paired with white pumps were considered cutting edge.   As the years ticked by and my passion for fashion faded, I began to envy those totalitarian nations like China and North Korea. They really had it going on, what with those blue pajama outfits everyone seems to wear. Why couldn’t the free world dress as comfortably without being cruelly mocked?

I could not predict that one day, far into the future, Crocs would appear on the scene and I would actually wear them. In public.   If I was that shameless, why not take the next logical step and suit up in hospital scrubs?   I’m not crazy; it’s not like I’d dress in those mint-green surgeon outfits. But think about the colorful tops nurses and vet techs run around in: super comfie, giant pockets for poop bags and easy wash and wear. With great fortune, I stumbled upon a yard sale held by a mother–daughter team of compulsive-shopper nurses. Between them there had to be at least, at least, 60 sets of scrubs.   At a buck apiece, I picked up five of them.

Instead of baggy shorts and and an old T-shirt, I now throw on a skort (another hot trend), one of my brightly colored scrubbies, a pair of earrings and I am ready to greet the day. My look is so fierce, Dolce and Gabbana wished they’d come up with it first.

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