Thursday, January 19, 2012

Oh (Un)Holy Night

Candi is a very, very senior dog and cadaverously underweight. Probably on the shady side of 17 years, she is toothless, practically blind from cataracts, deaf and not too terribly spry. I saw her picture on the web, read about all her health problems and said to myself, that’s my next foster. A wonderful organization, Peace of Mind Dog Rescue, saved the half-starved Chihuahua from euthanasia. POMDR tends to rescue and re-home dogs whose humans can no longer care for them due to illness, death or other challenging circumstances. Candi was not one of those cases however. Candi was dumped in the night drop box at Monterey County Animal Services. On Christmas week. Fortunately, POMDR also rescues senior dogs from the shelter.
candi in bed 1-18-12

It seems I spend too much time bitching about how wretched people are so I have to try really hard to look for the bright side of humanity when I hear these stories. The bright side is that somebody at least cared enough to drop Candi at the shelter rather than just let her out of the car in some unfamiliar neighborhood and hope for the best. The other bright side is that for every calloused human soul out there, I have to believe the Universe balances it out with people like POMDR’s founder, Carie Broecker, and all her volunteers.
candi in bed 2       candi in yard 1-18-12

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