Friday, December 16, 2011

Gender Neutral

Once a doggy's size drops below five pounds, gender means nothing. It's still important to them, no doubt, but not to those of us who like to indulge our inner fashionista. Poor O.G. has been reduced to a furry Barbie doll as we tart him up in one outfit after another.

 og 1 Boys Don't Cry.

The chilly days, a huge supply of tiny-dog togs and the holiday spirit have merged into a perfect storm of “let’s-play-dress-up,” which O.G. has succumbed to with little argument.

og xmas 2 Crappy photography, but cute outfit. Really.
og xmas
If truth be known, the old Maltese doesn’t have a whole lot of personality dazzlers left in his repertoire. He just wants a warm lap to occupy and a stuffed toy to hump now and then. But, O.G. will wear anything with a minimum of humiliation. The Little Pup Lodge wardrobe is heavy on pink so he often looks like a mascot for the Susan G. Komen folks. People who meet him often refer to O.G. as “she” and we usually don’t bother to correct them. Given that O.G. is short for Original Gangster, we’re lucky he doesn’t cap us fools for dissin' him so. Barbara Billingsley isn't the only middle-age white lady who can speak jive. She just does it better.
og 2

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