Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Family Values

While Kim Kardashian (and that 72-day marriage that earned her 19 million bucks) represents one facet of God-fearing family values, I prefer my friend Kimberly’s grasp of the concept. Her son Trevor wanted to celebrate his eighth birthday at Hooters so off they went. Not to be outdone, his sister asked to celebrate her 15th birthday at a drag-queen cabaret. Last Friday Carly Jeanne, her mom and a few assorted friends went to Diva Night at San Diego’s Lips, which bills itself as “The Ultimate in Drag Dining.” A marvelous time was had by all.
carly lips2 My, they grow up fast...

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Why let the protesters in Oakland and Wall Street have all the fun? Dog lovers want Big Brother’s giant foot (as well as leashes), off their dogs’ necks and have decided to take a stand as well. Hence, Doccupy Santa Cruz. A few dozen folks and their dogs gathered at my once-favorite beach with howls of protest, demanding just a few lousy yards of beach to let their dogs run free.

 occupydog 1033 We are powerful - hear us bark!

Friday, February 10, 2012

What's Next for Candi?

The latest foster dog to arrive at Little Pup Lodge has had a rough time of it since being here. Candi showed up emaciated and no matter how much she ate she continued to lose weight. The ancient Chihuahua would have been fine at 6 or 7 lbs., but came to us at 4 lbs. and dropping. Candi had her blood drawn, an ultrasound and x-rays. Turns out her intestinal wall had thickened, making it impossible to absorb nutrients.

candi by bowl

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Trouble in the 'Hood

Trouble in the ‘Hood

Years ago, we’re talking the mid-‘80s, San Diego decided to “revitalize” downtown, i.e. get rid of the pushers, bums and hookers. It worked; the gritty urban landscape transformed into a vibrant destination for shopping, dining and nightlife. However, those pesky problems it displaced had to go somewhere. Eventually, hookers were pushed as far north as Encinitas, a quiet little surf village with surprisingly few johns.
hookers But they love dogs!!