Friday, February 10, 2012

What's Next for Candi?

The latest foster dog to arrive at Little Pup Lodge has had a rough time of it since being here. Candi showed up emaciated and no matter how much she ate she continued to lose weight. The ancient Chihuahua would have been fine at 6 or 7 lbs., but came to us at 4 lbs. and dropping. Candi had her blood drawn, an ultrasound and x-rays. Turns out her intestinal wall had thickened, making it impossible to absorb nutrients.

candi by bowl

The prescribed regimen of pills and shots did not work. Candi got weaker, more listless, lethargic. Already skin and bones, she somehow shrunk even more. The question loomed: Is it time to let her go? I saw a dog slowly starving to death and said yes.

 candi by rock

Prepared for the inevitable, we returned to the vet for that final injection. It didn’t happen. Dr. Burtch had another regimen she wanted to try. I would have refused if this amazing internist did not have the reputation she did for both skill and honesty. Also, I tend to want to pull the plug too fast because I can’t stand the thought of an animal suffering. Or a human for that matter, but at least they can tell you.

We now wait another five to seven days and see if this works. Keep your paws crossed.

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