Sunday, February 12, 2012


Why let the protesters in Oakland and Wall Street have all the fun? Dog lovers want Big Brother’s giant foot (as well as leashes), off their dogs’ necks and have decided to take a stand as well. Hence, Doccupy Santa Cruz. A few dozen folks and their dogs gathered at my once-favorite beach with howls of protest, demanding just a few lousy yards of beach to let their dogs run free.

 occupydog 1033 We are powerful - hear us bark!

Not that there was anyone to actually protest to, nor was there a sit-in, riot police or tear gas. Buda the pug’s mom Rebecca pulled the event together in just a few days. Brian, Dave and a few others spoke, email addresses were collected and Live Oak Beach Club’s Facebook page suddenly got a lot more “like” hits. As Norma Rae taught us, there is power in organizing.

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