Monday, May 28, 2012

Dog O' the Day - Maya

We have two dogs named Maya that guest at Little Pup Lodge. There is Maya with the amazing underbite and there is Maya with the ravenous appetite. Underbite Maya has to be coaxed to eat. Appetite Maya, convinced I didn’t understand she wanted breakfast at 5:30am, jumped up and sat on the doggie-food bin.
maya closeup  Please? Please? Please?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Katz and Dogs

How perfect is the name Lori Katz for a dog trainer? I first met her about eight years ago when she came out to give me some tips with the newly adopted Oliver. Her business, Kindred Spirit, continued to grow for two reasons: Katz consistently gave back to the community and she’s a damn good dog trainer.

 peaches small 2 Peaches.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Tick Tock

‘Tis the season to be dreary. If you’re a dog person, that is. Millions of kids look forward to summer as a time of fun, freedom and adventure. Here at Little Pup Lodge? We steel ourselves for a few miserable months of heat, fleas, foxtails and, our favorite fair weather friend, the tick.
tick 1 You sure you got enough to eat?