Thursday, May 17, 2012

Katz and Dogs

How perfect is the name Lori Katz for a dog trainer? I first met her about eight years ago when she came out to give me some tips with the newly adopted Oliver. Her business, Kindred Spirit, continued to grow for two reasons: Katz consistently gave back to the community and she’s a damn good dog trainer.

 peaches small 2 Peaches.

Katz has worked with some of the guests here at Little Pup Lodge. Since we have a zero-tolerance policy about aggressive behavior, even subtle signs are cause for concern. One guest did fine with some guidance from Kindred Spirit. The second, one of my favorite kids who had been coming forever, did not fare so well. Over the months, she had developed more territorial behavior around the Lodge, especially towards other female dogs. With a heavy heart, Lori and I agreed that her behavior could cause problems in the future. I miss that little girl terribly as she was funny and sweet most of the time.

Most recently, Katz worked with my next-door neighbor Laurie, a chiropractor who also happens to be my sister-in-law. Laurie recently adopted Peaches, a border collie mix with some issues. Primarily, Peaches gets a little unglued at the sight of another dog. Since the Little Pup Lodge guests take their noon walk through her property to reach the meadow beyond, Laurie’s problem became mine.

While both Laurie and I struggled and failed to teach Peaches and Oliver to walk comfortably side by side, hoping to work up to all the dogs eventually, Katz succeeded in about 15 minutes. She gave us a ton of information, but I realized Katz also had something that both Laurie and I would have to work hard to develop—Command Presence, as police officers call it. She didn’t speak harshly, loudly, or all lovey dovey, just confidently.

Along with the importance of naps, play time and living in the moment, our dogs have yet another lesson to impart.

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