Monday, May 28, 2012

Dog O' the Day - Maya

We have two dogs named Maya that guest at Little Pup Lodge. There is Maya with the amazing underbite and there is Maya with the ravenous appetite. Underbite Maya has to be coaxed to eat. Appetite Maya, convinced I didn’t understand she wanted breakfast at 5:30am, jumped up and sat on the doggie-food bin.
maya closeup  Please? Please? Please?

And those eyes. The Cavalier King Charles, Maya’s breed, conjures up such a pained expression that you feel deeply ashamed about your role in their imminent starvation. Even though this particular Maya looks quite healthy and I know for a fact she ate less than 12 hours ago.

  maya foodbin Time to eat!

Some studies indicate the breed is pre-disposed to obesity. Maya has kept her slim school-girl figure because her mom and dad have learned to say no to the begging, the harangues, the threats at gunpoint. We here are trying to convince Maya that apple slices and cherry tomatoes are just as yummy as doggie treats. She has yet to be convinced.

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