Monday, June 25, 2012

The Laws of Nature

Like most people, I do not break the law unless I decide that particular law doesn’t apply to me. For example, the leash ordinance at our local parks and beaches.  And, like most people, I do not flaunt any particular law as an act of protest or civil disobedience; I only do it when I think I can get away with it.

Some of the guests at Little Pup Lodge have their parents’ blessings to run off leash at the beach. We go very early, usually 7am, to avoid other dogs and humans, particularly those who wear badges. Imagine my surprise as I walked up from the beach this morning right after 8am, just as an animal control officer walked down with a big, shiny citation book clutched in his hand.  Had he come 10 minutes earlier, I would have been several hundred dollars poorer.

We dog-activists often rant about how unfair the leash law is. Secretly, I think it’s only unfair to me. It’s more than fair for the yahoos who can’t control their dogs, the tourists who won’t clean up the poop and youthful offenders who find their unneutered pit bulls ever so much more entertaining than the rest of us.

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