Friday, February 8, 2013

Dog o' the Week–Milo

We walk through white, wispy clouds of stuffing and study myriad holes chewed into each of the four doggie beds that lay about Little Pup Lodge. The Master of Disaster is back.
milo bedmilo tearing up bed

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dog o' the Week–Mozzie

Found wandering the streets of Watsonville by Animal Control, the ancient Chihuahua finally found a warm bed and regular meals at the local shelter. The intake exam revealed that Moses (as the staff called him) was blind, had lost most of his teeth, had a very bad heart and some unknown bronchial infection that left him with a rather unpleasant smoker’s hack. He also seemed to suffer from neurological damage since he stumbled and swayed like a drunken sailor when he walked.
mozzie 2 Moses. What kind of name is that?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Doors of Perception

With the holidays behind us and business in its January doldrums, remodel fever has gripped Little Pup Lodge. The first project: Replace the front door that imploded during winter rains.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Dog o' the Week - Phinney

We be lovin’ that Phinney; he gets some doggie daycare at Little Pup Lodge Monday through Friday while his mom goes to work. A purebred cocker spaniel, the four-year-old has the typically mellow personality common to this breed. Unless a dog of that breed has inherited the unfortunate “Spaniel Rage.” This is a very real disorder and I have seen its destructiveness up close and personally. Seemingly serene and calm, the spaniel will suddenly snap and attack another dog, child or whomever is handy. Their eyes glaze over and when they snap out of it, appear to have no idea what they just did. Some behaviorists guess that it is a form of epilepsy.

 phinney 2 A very happy Phinney.