Sunday, January 16, 2011

It Takes Two

We've been Nickie-less two weeks here, but it seems like much, much longer. Nickie is not only a good friend and tenant,  but has brought boatloads of valuable tips and ideas to Little Pup Lodge from her former dog-walking, dog-boarding business. In exchange for part of her rent, Nickie assists with the many chores and responsibilities demanded of a dog hotel.
Partied way too hard last night...
When winter comes, Nickie goes off to work as an environmental observer on one of the giant dredges anchored offshore from Texas, Florida, or some other southeast state for three weeks to a month at a time.
"Environmental Observer"  sounded really glamorous, really Greenpeace  until Nickie described it. The observer sits there for twelve hours at a time and counts how many sea turtles get Hoover'd up in the dredge's enormous sand-sucker.  It's cold. It's wet. And above all, it's boring. Imagine you're a security guard. Now imagine your job is to stare at a door for twelve hours to make sure no one enters. It's that boring.
 Nickie and sadly, a sucked-up sea turtle.
Help is on its way, however.  Carly Jeanne, my best friend Kimberly's daughter, will be staying at the Lodge a couple of weeks. Carly's more like a niece and is perhaps the most mature, low-maintenance 13-year-old to walk this earth.

Carly Jeanne with hotel guest Scout  
Perhaps it is because her father's heart blew out from too much crystal meth and her mom has lung cancer. Although I'm open to it, we do not discuss either of those topics. Instead, we go to the beach, talk politics, books and music, eat hot fudge sundaes. She and her mother have taught me more about living in the now than a lifetime of meditation ever could.

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