Saturday, January 22, 2011

Robin (the) Hood

A couple of faves, Robin and Mortimer, just checked in for a week. Adopted when he was around five months old, Robin promptly put his mother into $3,000 debt when he  sampled a death cap mushroom.
Robin, in the middle of a yoga pose.
This trauma to his mom came right on the heels of an even worse one; her other little Chihuahua, Kermit,  was killed by another dog while she was walking him and Mortimer.

Poor Mortimer, pronounced as a very British MOR-teh-muh, was witness to both catastrophes and left traumatized for awhile but seems to have moved past it. If only we bipeds could get over tragedies so quickly.

MOR-teh-muh, beyond adorable.
Being a sucker for ancient, practically toothless Chihuahuas, I've been in love with Mortimer since the first time I saw him. He's somewhere around 90  in human years and his tongue hangs out the left side of his mouth like James Dean's cigarette. Mortimer is a lot cooler than J.D., however.

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