Monday, February 28, 2011

Do the Right Thing

A beach buddy told me about a little Chihuahua she'd seen periodically running loose on 26th Avenue. Although any road would be dangerous, this one is a veritable autobahn from Portola Drive to the beach. Rather than go into a tirade about how irresponsible the dog's owner was (as I have been known to do), Patty approached the woman to find out what was going on. The answer was not that simple.

Lori had promised a dying friend that she would take care of her dog Sugar when she was gone. It was an oath easier made than kept. Lori had an old Lab who often shoved open the door to lie down in the front yard, thereby giving Sugar plenty of escape opportunities. The Lab did not like the Chihuahua. In fact, no one liked Sugar. Lori said she loved it, but the beleaguered caregiver also admitted she was not really a little-dog person.

 Hey neighbor, can I borrow a cup of Sugar?

After much cajoling from her neighbors and friends, Lori agreed that Sugar needed a different home.  So, we met. Lori ushered me into her 1940's-era beach cottage, past the black Chihuahua that sat motionless in a plush, leopard-skin doggy bed. Sugar made it clear that she would be less than thrilled if I touched, looked at or spoke to her. Sugar was definitely not going to be one of those curious, waiting for a hug-type of dogs.

I explained that the rescue group I volunteer with, Animal Shelter Relief, would make sure Sugar found a good home. Although I asked her to think about it before she made a decision, Lori insisted I take Sugar with me.

Where's my sunglasses?
Lori did not have an easy choice to make back there in the beginning. I mean, what was she going to tell her terminally ill friend;  "nah, find somebody  else?" And though it may not have not worked out, letting Sugar go home with me could not have been that easy, either. However, Lori knew she made the right decision; her friend  just wanted a loving home for her little Chihuahua.

Sugar has settled in nicely, however; a bit on the shy side, but always ready with a kiss for those she knows. I tell myself Sugar's  former owner is looking down from heaven with a great big smile.

"Suspect #3: Please step forward and turn to your right."

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