Monday, February 7, 2011

Little Lulu

People are idiots.
I really, really try to look for the good in people but some days it's really, really hard. A case in point:  The rescue group I volunteer for, Animal Shelter Relief, heard that a veritable tsunami of tiny dogs had flooded the local animal shelter. Very soon it would be time to bring out The Needle for some (or many) unlucky dogs.
Nickie and I showed up to pick up a new foster and, as we were leaving, Nickie promptly fell in love with Lulu. Lulu was a special needs kid; she had a broken pelvis and needed to remain crated for the next two months.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I will be needing a forever family in a couple of months. Thank you for asking. And I am so cute, you will have to take a number and stand in line.

Here is the story behind that broken pelvis. A couple driving by saw poor Lulu get hit by a car and stopped to pick her up. A nice gesture. They then took her home without bothering to  take her to the vet hospital. After two weeks, two weeks,  they decided that the gods of magical healing had not cast their wands over Lulu and dumped her at the animal shelter. A pelvis that may have healed quite a bit faster with immediate attention had begun to disintegrate into several bone fragments.
I never take more than one foster into my home at a time, so Lulu went home with Nickie. Which is exactly like going to my home. She lives in her crate or on Nickie's lap, going outside only long enough to take care of business.
Unlike most of us humans, Lulu does not know that she should be miserable and full of self-pity for this rotten turn of events in her life. In fact, young Lulu is full of joy and wiggles her butt so wildly when she gets excited that we fear she'll break her pelvis all over again.
Un petit ange,  je ne suis pas?
Lulu also does not know she ended up with the perfect foster mom. Since Nickie specializes in caring for old, ill or injured companion animals, she now has a perfect specimen upon which to practice her massage, Reiki and other healing techniques. Lulu is a lucky girl, but she does not know it. All Lulu knows is that she's insanely happy to be alive.

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