Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gimme Sheltie

It's always exciting  when a new breed of dog checks in to Little Pup Lodge. That should give you an idea of what breathlessly fascinating lives we lead around here. This time it was a Sheltie named Grace. Shelties look a lot like Collies that hav been run through the dryer and got seriously shrunk.

That's amazing, Grace!

Grace brought along a wonderful temperament and extremely good manners. This counts for a lot with us. The Sheltie, a breed previously known as the Shetland Sheepdog, also brought her herding skills. The rest of the guests were good natured about it and allowed Grace to round them up. Grace did not stop at herding other dogs. Toss her a ball and she didn't chew or retrieve, but guided it around tight little circles.  I think she'd do a great job with my chickens.

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