Friday, December 16, 2011

Gender Neutral

Once a doggy's size drops below five pounds, gender means nothing. It's still important to them, no doubt, but not to those of us who like to indulge our inner fashionista. Poor O.G. has been reduced to a furry Barbie doll as we tart him up in one outfit after another.

 og 1 Boys Don't Cry.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Chilly Dogs

The Chihuahua breed may or may not have originated in Mexico. It may have actually had its roots in China. Then again, the present day Chihuahua may be a combination of both continents’ genes. The only thing not in doubt is that the little hairless creatures get damned cold outside when the temperature drops. Although the thermometer read 39 degrees this morning, those two Chihuahuas from last year were once again shivering outside of Peet’s when I stopped in for my java fix.
chilly dog One of the two very chilly dogs.

Monday, December 5, 2011

May I Be Frank?

More than one person has said they want to come back as so-and-so’s dog in the next lifetime. It is a way of letting you know that So-and-So treats their dog like royalty. I haven’t decided if I want to come back as Frankie or not.
frankie foldout 2 Frankie, ready for his centerfold.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Blown Away

California, it’s been said, has four seasons: mudslide, fire, earthquake & riot. Perhaps we should add one more: freak windstorms, one of which blew a giant fir down much too close to the Lodge.
storm damage  Life and limb.