Monday, December 5, 2011

May I Be Frank?

More than one person has said they want to come back as so-and-so’s dog in the next lifetime. It is a way of letting you know that So-and-So treats their dog like royalty. I haven’t decided if I want to come back as Frankie or not.
frankie foldout 2 Frankie, ready for his centerfold.

On the upside, our not-so-little Tibetan Terrier guest has been blessed with wonderful parents who dote on him. He is served a special raw food diet and gets tons of supplements, which is probably why Frankie is so bouncy and full of energy at almost 12 years old. On the downside, Frankie has to eat this concoction of ground chicken, tinctures, tablets and capsules. Like any kid forced to eat healthy, he often tries to steal food­–yummy over-processed kibble, for example­– from the others.

frankieFrankie loves to sleep when he is not demonstrating his bounciness. He can remain so still that we have had two different people look shocked when he moved. They both thought Frankie was a stuffed toy.
Sleep all the time? That’s my idea of the good life. Being denied my weekly hot fudge sundaes, nightly cocoa and copious chocolate pick-me-ups throughout the day? A hell beyond imagination.

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