Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dog O' the Day - Aston

Most Little Pup Lodge guests board here anywhere from a few days to several weeks. Aston, on the other hand, comes for daily pet-sitting Monday through Friday. He is quite the little gentleman, very quiet and well-behaved. Aston gets a lot of attention on the street for his exotic looks and keeps people guessing at his breed. No one knows for sure, of course, since his very lucky mom rescued him from the local shelter. Suggestions have included King Charles spaniel, border collie and Australian Shepherd. Then his mom found a photo of an old French painting and dang if it wasn’t Aston’s spitting image. Perhaps it was his great-great-great-great grandfather.
aston french painting 02 Parlez vous chien?

Although young and healthy, Aston did give his mom and us a big scare after he had a couple of seizures. Dr. Evelyn Sharp, his veterinarian, took him under her wing. Clients pay her a monthly membership fee for in-home comprehensive vet services. Aston hasn’t had any more seizures, so whatever his mom and the vet are doing must be working.
aston tara  Aston and mom.

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