Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dog O' the Day - Sadie

Sadie has vacationed with us for at least a year. Not all at once, of course, but a day here, a couple of overnights there. She looks like an Italian Greyhound with a skosh of Min-Pin thrown in for good measure.
sadie Sexy Sadie

Sadie did not like her first time at Little Pup Lodge. Or her second. Or her third, for that matter. Her story’s not unusual for the timid ones when faced with a new dog boarding experience. The poor little girl cowered in a corner, convinced her mom and dad would never return. As Sadie gradually realized she would not be abandoned, she began to relax and enjoy the company of the other guests. Turns out that Sadie loves go running with her dad, which made her a perfect companion for my jogging forays around Land of Medicine Buddha or towards New Brighton Beach. No lions or tigers or bears, oh no. Not with my trusty little sidekick.

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