Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dog O' the Day - Wookie

Sometimes a name fits the dog like a glove. For example, Wookie. She has one of those faces you look at and just gotta laugh. I mean that in the most complimentary way possible, of course. With an underbite to rival Chewbacca himself, Miss Wookie has everything she needs to get at least a small part in the next Star Wars movie. (Get it? Small dog? Small part? never mind.)

 wookie Orthodontia? Moi?

Wookie is more than just another pretty face. She runs the other guests at Little Pup Lodge ragged with her boundless energy and play demands. The little terrier mix is still young­­—two years old—and hasn’t found a human or canine she doesn’t love. Wookie’s separation anxiety with her first pet-sitting experience here lasted about three minutes, until she realized this was not a dog boarding place but summer camp for the four-legged children. Like many of my guests, Wookie was adopted from a local shelter by her very nice parents. Indeed, if you are looking  for diamonds, the shelter is a good place to start.
wookie 3 As Wookie says: Lick it or leave it!

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