Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dog O' the Day - Beau

It is with both love and a heavy heart that I dedicate this Dog O' the Day to Beau. Beau's a frequent guest of Little Pup Lodge, though he has not been here for awhile. A poodle, he’s a little white fluff ball who loves his car rides. Beau’s favorite place to sit is above the dashboard but, alas, the CHP would look unkindly on this personal quirk. He cuddles so closely with me at night that I like to think of him as a furry heating pad.  

 beau xmas 2011 Beau in his Santa outfit.

I ran into Beau’s mom today at Whole Foods and was shocked to hear that Beau has cancer and has been on chemotherapy for the last seven weeks. His mom said the oncologist is hopeful, so we will find a light in this dark time by making a choice to believe him.
beau lahaye  family 8-10 Beau's family.

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