Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dog O' the Day – Fosters!

Another benefit to the slow season at Little Pup Lodge between now and the holidays is the opportunity to foster. The local shelter was once again filled beyond capacity (Spay and neuter, people, spay and neuter) and requested help from those of us who could take one into our homes. Last week Ella packed her bags and came to join us here at the Lodge. Weighing in at a hefty six pounds, the Chihuahua quickly acclimated to her new surroundings. She is gorgeous, house-trained and sweet beyond words–unless you happen to be a new guest checking in. Ella makes it clear she is deeply insulted sharing her vacation digs with another dog. This is an unfortunate trait, since all our guests must at least pretend to enjoy the company of others. (As one who has perfected this particular skill with humans, I explain to them that it just takes a little practice.) Therefore, we must find a home where she can fulfill her calling as an only child.
ella Miss Ella.

Patches is another scholarship-funded guest. His mom broke her hip and will be in rehabilitation for the next three weeks so Peace of Mind Dog Rescue (POMDR) arranged to have Patches temporarily housed until the mom is back on her feet. For those not familiar with this amazing organization, POMDR finds new homes for pets when their senior guardians are no longer able to care for them. Patches will not need a new home, just a safe place until his mom gets out of rehab. “Safe” is the operative word since the Bichon is almost 17 years old, blind and deaf. Unlike his snooty roomie Ella, Patches doesn’t care about the ever-changing guest roster. Perhaps the youngster can learn a few tricks from this old dog.

patches Patches.

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