Friday, November 18, 2011

The C Word

Is there really any thing new to a say about cancer? Publishers certainly don't want any more heart rending/funny/graphic/irreverent memoirs about the Big C.  In just a few decades it has gone from illness that no one dare mention to one that no one can shut up about.
lilli  kimberly 2  3-10 Kimberly & Lilly

We now suffer from cancer fatigue. At least, that is what Kimberly, my best friend of 30 years, thinks. I’m waiting for a flight to San Diego so I can assure her this is not true. Whenever you think you’re life sucks, a few highlights of Kimberly’s life: Raised by physically abusive alcoholics, raped at 25, diagnosed with melanoma at 35, lung cancer at 45. Against all odds, she’s still here five years later; wild, unbelievably profane and funnier than hell. And courageous. God she’s courageous. I know that’s a threadbare cliché­; “bravely battled cancer, et al,” but she is not the only cancer person I’ve known. Another acquaintance had breast cancer and I finally had to un-acquaint with her. There’s a difference between processing feelings and cementing yourself to the pity potty.

 kelly-kimberly space needle The two best friends in Seattle

So, Kimberly, I’m quite tired of your cancer and I desperately want it to go away. But, I will never tire of you ranting about it, crying about it or laughing about it as long as it has the bad manners to stick around.

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