Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Piss Off!

Those who work in the dog boarding industry become experts, aficionados as it were, of urine removal products. The formula must destroy both stains and stink. Nature’s Miracle, the most popular, used to be the go-to choice for the housekeeping staff at Little Pup Lodge. That was before we discovered The Equalizer. Though it’s name more befits one of Dirty Harry’s sidearms, it is the most effective pee-fighter we’ve found yet.
equalizer Get your flourocarbons now!

Needless to say, the Thanksgiving week’s visitors took full advantage of the lax rules about marking. Others decided to use the only room still carpeted for their own indoor lavatory. That it happens to be my bedroom no doubt added to the little troublemakers’ glee.

After the carpet thoroughly marinates in Equalizer, the carpet cleaning machine will erase any evidence of my guests’ mischief. Best of all, the stuff is cheap.

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