Monday, November 28, 2011

Dog Tired

There was a transition time when I started Little Pup Lodge but was still doing some private investigator work. As my business got busier, I let my former boss know that I was going to retire as a private dick to devote myself fulltime to the Lodge. Perhaps the envy and resentment had simmered in him for some time, but he couldn’t hold it back any longer. “I wish I could sit around and play with puppies all day long,” Greg said.

Too bad Greg wasn't here to play with the puppies this week, the busiest week of the year. Here’s what “playing” looked like on a daily basis: Up at 6am to let a dozen dogs out in the yard while we clean up the poop and pee that has manifested overnight. Bring them back in, harness and leash up half and drive down to an enclosed ballfield for exercise and play. Return and pick up the other half, who have already eaten. Since each guest has his or her own dietary requirements, as well as various medications, it takes about 45 minutes to set up the dishes. By the time all have eaten and exercised, it’s 11am. Then it’s time for the noon outing, blessedly within walking distance. In those precious three hours before the 4pm outing, at least two or three loads of laundry must be done, floors Lysol’d, dishes washed, paperwork completed and of course, entertainment and laps provided for those who request it.

The process repeats itself from 4 until about 630. More laptime in front of the TV until the last outdoors sojourn and then we all drop into bed around 8:30. This doesn’t include the constant cleanup throughout the day. However, I would rather do this for 12 hours a day than even one hour of PI work. It’s true what they say; if you do what you love, it doesn’t feel like work.

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