Thursday, November 10, 2011

Young v. Old

Licorice, the little black Chihuahua, came home with me again from the shelter for a sleepover. If I were in the market for a young, housebroken, lovable little girl, she’d be it. She’s sorta perfect. But, I don’t want perfect. I want far from perfect, in fact.

 licorice 10-11  Licorice

After talking to Precious’ foster mom, we realized that she would not be a good fit at Little Pup Lodge. She’s 16, blind, deaf and can’t walk very well. While that’s fine for me, the foster mom explained that Precious really needed a place where nothing changed much from day to day. Every new guest that came up to sniff her would freak the poor little thing out.

precious  Precious

But there others at Muttville who might like to spend their final years or months at Little Pup Lodge. Sable, for example. Here’s her description on their website: Sable, a 14 year old doxie mix, is so sweet; she is a quiet girl who just wants gentle caresses and a mellow home to call her own. She was picked up as a stray. She has had many litters of puppies and not much love in her life till now. She is hard not to love!! Sable is looking for a hospice home.
Perhaps it is a commitment issue.


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